Saturday, December 8, 2012


I am very thankful for great research when it comes to divorce and remarriage. Both can be hard on everyone in the family. My husband grew up with his parents divorcing when he was 7 years old. He saw everything a child shouldn't with parents fighting and talking badly about each other. Sadly, too, he hold many trust issues do to many of the things his parents did. Thanks to people along the way, he as able to get help. The family is so important, especially when it has been damaged and changes have arose. But, thankfully, remarriage can be a wonderful thing! One thing i learned from class discussion was the importance of keeping the children in mind when there has been remarriage. The biological parent should be the parent who disciplines, while the new parent becomes well associated with the children by building trust and friendship, like an awesome aunt or uncle would. Remarriage is truly be a great thing when taken seriously and done thoughtfully.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Be Active

Parenting is a sacred responsibility. It is very important to parent in an appropriate and loving way. The best is to be an Active parent. It is important to be able to understand our children. Something very crucial is to learn about each of our children individually and parent according to their needs. Each child is different. An Active parent is involved in their children's lives, but also allows them to use their agency to make choices. This is how my parents were when they raised me and I am so thankful for them. I was able to make choices, but still go to them if i needed help. One thing that was really important to me was that I knew I was loved, no matter what. This is important. I want to be an Active parent and love my children unconditionally.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Motherhood: sacrificing for something greater

We read an article entitled Does a Full-Time Homemaker Swap Her Mind for a Mop? It was a very interesting article. I am grateful for motherhood and the blessing that come from this role. Here are my thought of this article. I have heard this phrase before this article. It was shocking to hear. I guess in a way some women can see motherhood as such, and so they don't create a family. Sadly, these women see the world differently. Being a mother doesn't degrade the education we get and it definitely doesn't cause us to forget what we have learned. Some women feel that once they are a mother their education will go to waste. What a silly thought. We continue to use our education even as a mother. Our brains don't go to mush. In fact, we use our education. We can use out education and teach our children. Mothers with an education are more involved with their children's lives and teach them more. As mothers with degrees, we can educate our children everyday. We can be an example of getting an education and blessing our family with it. Motherhood and education go hand in hand. We don't lose by sacrificing more education of perhaps and incredible job, but gain something much greater with more purpose by choosing motherhood and teaching within the home. 

Saturday, November 17, 2012


This week was about counseling. And it was an answer to prayer. I learned how to council with my husband and with the Lord. I also learned how to counsel with my husband while doing it with the Lord. I learned that I need to include the Lord with our thoughts and decisions and that we come to a decision after we have conversed with the Lord. It is also very important to have the Spirit with me at all times. I need to be worthy of the Spirit so that we as a couple can always do the right thing as we counsel with the Lord.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Gratitude to Those Who Care

I am grateful for people who truly care about the family and see the importance of this unit. We talked about a researcher Cloe. She created a way of truly helping others through repentance and reparation. Her processes is so wonderful. This post is more about my appreciation for those who care. I am grateful she was able to see the need and create this important process for those truly hurting. It is never about just changing the behavior. It is about changing the heart and focusing on becoming and not being. I am thankful for those who care.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Talk Talk Talk

It is crucial to talk and be open with our children. I learned that we can talk to them at ages 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 about sexuality. The key is teaching them in a way that is appropriate to their age. I know this can be done. It is sad that we need to talk to our kids at such a young age about sex, but if we do not they will find out about it from someone else. By talking to our children we open a window of respect and comfort in that they can come and talk to us about anything. It is so important to have this window and to open it. I am very appreciative of my parents for doing this. I know that it is a very helpful tool.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Prepare to Prevent

Having children can hurt a the relationship of the husband and wife, if they do not prepare. I didn't realize that this can happen to any couple. Which means, it could happen to me. But, thanks to this class, I am going to make sure it doesn't! It is easy to neglect each other and even get after each other when the first baby comes due to stress, fatigue, misunderstandings, lack of affection being expressed, ect. But this can be prevented!!! It's important to have the dad involved at the start of the pregnancy and throughout. Also, if couples are aware of what can happen after the baby comes they can plan for it. They can create a baby plan and have helpers come, like a mom. Being prepared is what is most important.